Venues and Volume

the modern-day clark kents: advertising/marketing drones by day, savvy music fanatics by night.


cotton crush indeed

i just got back from seeing kevin devine at webster. i've already wrote a bit about him previously, so i'll spare the innocuous details, but i've got to say, for a white red-headed angsty acoustic boy to be playing for a smooth, soul-loving older r&b crowd, and do it balls-to-the wall? well, colour me impressed.

this time it was a solo performance with carey brandenburg singing backup vocals occasionally. he was admittedly nervous because it was a much bigger crowd than he was used to playing for (they were all there to see corinne bailey rae. except me), but he still was able to rock it out. he got so into it at one point that he ripped his guitar away from its plug, continued to play while asking the audience to pretend we could hear it, and managed to plug it back in all in one swoop. huzzah!

he played predominantly from his new, soon-to-be-released album, and as for show highlights, "just stay" and of course "cotton crush" were able to get the crowd going.

another nice part about the concert: bumped into victoria, an acquintance i met through jamie, and hung out with her and her co-worker john. it's always nice when you go to see a show alone and end up bumping into neat-o people inside. it makes you feel loved.

with that being said, i'm tired after a long day of work and music, and i seriously promise i'll have those earlier reviews up in no time.



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