Venues and Volume

the modern-day clark kents: advertising/marketing drones by day, savvy music fanatics by night.


cute, but with the 'e'

that title was a bad taking back sunday reference (lame)
ohhhh man.... matt and kim are playing this weekend and i'm not going to be in the city for it. bummer.

they are, undeniably, the cutest band out there. there has never been more chuckle-factor in reference to a pair of people , one on keyboard, one on drums, before. it's the kind of energy that makes you smile and bop around at the same time. i saw this duo down at sxsw when i was invited into the i heart comix party. they had played a short set, and i was hoping i would get to see some more this time around. i guess not.

but you can! you can go see them! they're playing this saturday, september 9th at 339 scholes street (that would be williamsburg) with: growing, comets on fire, ex models, dirty projectors, excepter, high places, BIG A little a, stars like fleas, vaz, and some more. so if you have a few hours to kill, head on over and see them. and then tell me about how ridiculously adorable they are when i get back.



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